Apr 28Liked by Sally Nex

Love your picture of clematis Montana. Looking forward to mine blooming but I think we are a few weeks off yet. I love clematis Montana so much. I know you can’t eat it - lol! It was the first plant that gave me the bug. There was a sad one in a pot in my first house share in London (already stifled by how much concrete was in London!). And I repotted it, a bit broke off and I poked the shoot in the soil and it took. I produced a wall of clematis and hey presto I had a strong case of the gardening bug!

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Apr 28Liked by Sally Nex

I’m only just starting my courgettes and pumpkins now as I sow them in the unheated greenhouse and spring is very cool this year. I plant by the moon so the next time we start the new moon I will sow more pumpkins, cucumbers, sweetcorn, sunflowers and the beans. I am a bit more north than you are so perhaps it’s warmer where you are. I don’t sow spring onions anymore as I grow Welsh onions instead for just the reason it’s less work and their flowers are beautiful this time of year. I will have to transplant some to the allotment and then I’ll be able to gather some when I crop the salad potatoes. I’m famous for potato salad with homemade mayo with my hens eggs and Welsh onion garnish. I’ve gone mad with see as lad potatoes this year. 3 beds on the allotment! The motivation was because they condition the soil so well for future crops - they will be happy pumpkins this year if it warms up, just means every trip to the allotment is accompanied with a great big sack of chicken waste compost!

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Apr 24Liked by Sally Nex

I have a go to recipe for parsnips - although never grown them, tempted as I love parsnips. It’s parsnip leek and ginger , it’s a very old pru leith recipe.

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Wow now that potato salad sounds lush! I have sown another batch of Welsh onions this year after losing the last lot to rust a few years ago - I may be further south than you but as well as warmer it's a lot damper which is a recipe for fungal disease 😪 i have just found myself a source of stable manure nearby so like you spending a lot of time lugging sacks of muck into the garden 😊

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